College of Management CODA Sessions

The Poole College of Management will be offering 2 informational sessions for prospective CODA students. Students who are hoping to CODA in the May 15th, July 1st or Sept 15th cycles are encouraged to attend.
Session Dates & Times:
1)  Friday, March 17: 1:00-2:00PM in Nelson 3210
2)  Wednesday, April 12: 4:30PM-5:30PM in Nelson 2405
Poole CODA Requirements
As a reminder,  students interested in Poole College, should be aware of the Poole CODA Requirements, and should add preferred courses to your schedules in order to meet CODA eligibility. Many of the Poole classes are not restricted this summer and are great opportunities for you to increase your Poole GPAs to be more competitive for admission.